View Nesting Birds (Bird Nest Cams)

White Stork in nest

See live streaming bird cams along with videos of nesting wild birds on hundreds of sites from around the world. You can follow the efforts of the parents and the progress of the young birds by visiting (and revisiting) these nest webcam sites.

Some of these sites are active only during that species' breeding season each year. To observe webcams that are focused on bird feeders in many different countries, please go to the Bird Feeder Cams site.

Click on these bird species names (listed alphabetically) to go to the sites for: ...... Albatross, Royal ...... Barbet, Crested ...... Bee-eater, Blue-tailed ...... Blackbird, Eurasian ...... Bluebird, Eastern ...... Buzzard, Eurasian ...... Buzzard, Long-legged ...... Capercaillie, Western ...... Chaffinch ...... Chickadee, Black-capped ...... Chickadee, Carolina ...... Chickadee, Chestnut-backed ...... Chickadee, Mountain ...... Chough, Red-billed ...... Condor, California ...... Coot, Eurasian ...... Crane, Sandhill ...... Curlew, Eurasian ..... Dove, Stock ...... Duck, Wood ...... Eagle, Bald ...... Eagle, Booted ...... Eagle, Crested ...... Eagle, Crowned ...... Eagle, Golden ...... Eagle, Lesser Spotted ...... Eagle, Philippine ...... Eagle, Short-toed Snake ...... Eagle, Verreaux's ...... Eagle, White-tailed ...... Eagle-Owl, Eurasian ..... Eider, Common ...... Falcon, Peregrine ....... Falcon, Red-footed ...... Falcon, Saker ...... Finch, House ...... Flamingo, Lesser ...... Gannet, Northern ...... Goose, Canada ...... Goshawk, Crested ...... Goshawk, Northern ...... Griffon, Eurasian ...... Grouse, Sharp-tailed ...... Guillemot, Black ...... Gull, Black-headed ...... Harrier, Hen ...... Hawk, Red-shouldered ...... Hawk, Red-tailed ...... Hawk-Eagle, Mountain ...... Heron, Great Blue ...... Hobby, Eurasian ...... Hoopoe, Eurasian ...... House-Martin, Common ...... Hummingbird, Allen's ...... Hummingbird, Anna's ......Hummingbird, Costa's ...... Jackdaw, Eurasian ...... Kestrel, American ...... Kestrel, Eurasian ...... Kestrel, Lesser ...... Kittiwake, Black-legged ...... Loon, Common ...... Magpie, Eurasian ...... Mallard ...... Martin, Purple ...... Moorhen, Common ...... Murre, Common ...... Nuthatch, Red-breasted ...... Oriole, Eurasian Golden ...... Osprey ...... Owl, Barn ...... Owl, Barred ...... Owl, Burrowing ...... Owl, Great Grey ...... Owl, Great Horned ...... Owl, Little ...... Owl, Long-eared ...... Owl, Northern Saw-whet ...... Owl, Northern Spotted ..... Owl, Tawny ...... Owl, Ural ...... Pelican, Brown ...... Penguin, African ...... Penguin, Little ...... Petrel, Bermuda ...... Phoebe, Eastern ...... Pied Flycatcher, European ...... Pigeon, Speckled ...... Prairie-Chicken, Greater ...... Puffin, Atlantic ...... Redstart, Black ...... Robin, American ...... Robin, European ...... Roller, European ...... Scops-Owl, Eurasian ...... Screech-Owl, Eastern ...... Screech-Owl, Western ...... Sea-Eagle, White-bellied ...... Shag, Otago (Stewart Island) ...... Sparrow, Eurasian Tree ...... Spoonbill, Eurasian ...... Spoonbill, Roseate ...... Starling, European ...... Starling, Spotless ...... Stork, Black ...... Stork, White ...... Swallow, Bank ...... Swallow, Barn ...... Swallow, Tree ...... Swallow, Violet-green ...... Swift, Alpine ...... Swift, Chimney ...... Swift, Common ...... Swift, Pallid ...... Tern, Common ...... Tern, Little ...... Tern, Roseate ...... Thick-knee, Eurasian ...... Tit, Coal ...... Tit, Eurasian Blue ...... Tit, Great ...... Titmouse, Oak ...... Titmouse, Tufted ...... Veery ...... Vulture, Cinereous ...... Vulture, Egyptian ...... Vulture, Lappet-faced ...... Vulture, Turkey ...... Woodhoopoe, Green ...... Woodpecker, Red-bellied ...... Wren, House .

Little (Blue, Kororā) Penguin (Eudyptula minor)

nest localityBurnie, Tasmania, Australia

nest localityNapier Port, New Zealand

nest localityOamaru, New Zealand

nest localityWellington, New Zealand

African Penguin (Spheniscus demersus)

nest localityBetty's Bay, South Africa ...... forum

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Common Loon (Gavia immer)

nest localityLake Vermillion, Minnesota, USA

nest localityPitkin County, New Hampshire, USA

nest localityNew Hampshire, USA

nest localityLake Fairlee, Vermont, USA

nest localityHazelhurst, Wisconsin, USA

Royal Albatross (Diomedea epomophora)

nest localityDunedin area, New Zealand ...... forum


Bermuda Petrel (Pterodrama cahow)

nest localityNonsuch Island, Bermuda (scroll down for webcam)

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Brown Pelican (Pelicanus occidentalis) and other species

nest localityCharleston, South Carolina, USA

Otago (Stewart Island) Shag (Leucocarbo chalconotus)

nest localityOtago, New Zealand

Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus) 

nest localityBass Rock, Scotland

Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)

nest localityVancouver, British Columbia, Canada

nest localityEastern Shore, Maryland, USA

nest localityMinneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Black Stork (Ciconia nigra)

nest localityMakov, Czech Republic (captive breeding program) ...... forum

nest localityJőgeva County, Estonia (click on "Must-toonekurg2") ...... forum

nest localityKarula National Park, Estonia (click on "Must-toonekurg") ...... forum

nest localityPärnu County, Estonia (click on "Must-toonekurg3") ...... forum

nest localityParco Gallipoli Cognato, Italy ...... forum

nest localityLatvia- multiple locations (click on "Ciconia nigra") ...... English forum ...... Latvian forum ...... additional Black Stork information

nest localityLithuania (click on "2 kamera")

nest localityBolewice Forest District, Poland ...... forum ...... additional information

nest localityŁódź, Poland ...... forum

nest localityNotecka Forest, Poland ...... forum

nest localityWolsztyn, Poland ...... forum

nest localityTagus International Natural Park, Portugal and Spain ...... forum


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White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)

nest localityRust, Austria

nest localityDonja Zdenčina, Croatia

nest localityDlouhá Loučka, Czech Republic

nest localityMakov, Czech Republic (captive breeding program)

nest localityMladé Buky, Czech Republic

nest localitySussex, England

nest localityMunster, France

nest localityGögglingen, Germany

nest localityHavelsee, Germany

nest localityHöchstadt, Germany

nest localityHohne, Germany

nest localityLindheim, Germany

nest localityOtterwisch, Germany

nest localityFilippiada, Greece

nest localityRöszke, Hungary

nest localityBologna, Italy

nest localityTukums, Latvia (click on "Ciconia ciconia")

nest localityEitminiskes, Lithuania

nest localityFriesland, Netherlands

nest localityHerwijnen, Netherlands (click on "Ooievaarsopvang" = stork sanctuary)

nest localitySokółka, Poland 

nest localityStary Sławacinek, Poland

nest localityTomaszów Bolesławiecki, Poland (click on "cam 1")

nest localityTrzciniec, Poland

nest localityDumbrăvioara, Romania

nest localitySlovakia- multiple locations (click on "Bociany")

nest localitySlovenia- multiple locations

nest localityMadrigal de las Altas Torres, Spain

nest localityTudela, Spain

nest localityHörby area, Sweden (captive breeding program)

nest localityUznach, Switzerland- multiple locations

nest localityEskikaraağaç, Turkey ("Yaren")

nest localityLelyaki, Ukraine


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Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodiah)

nest localityNieuwkoop, Netherlands (click on "Lepelaar")

Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja) and other species

nest localitySt. Augustine, Florida, USA

Lesser Flamingo  (Phoeniconaias minor)

nest localityKimberley, South Africa ...... forum

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Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)

nest localityDecorah, Iowa, USA

Wood Duck (Aix sponsa)

nest localityPalm City, Florida, USA

Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)

nest localityCambridge, Ontario, Canada

Common Eider (Somateria mollissima)

nest localityBengtskär, Finland

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Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura)

nest localityMarshall area, Missouri, USA ...... forum


California Condor (Coragyps californianus)

nest localityBig Sur, California, USA 

nest localityEscondido area, California, USA (captive breeding program) ...... webcam

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Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)

nest localityPort Lincoln, South Australia, Australia

nest localityExshaw, Alberta, Canada

nest localityOsoyoos, British Columbia, Canada

nest localitySt. John's, Newfoundland, Canada

nest localityManton Bay, England

nest localityPoole Harbour, England

nest localityWitherslack area, England

nest localityEstonia- multiple sites (click on "Pandion haliaetus") ...... forum

nest localitySeili, Finland

nest localityFinland- multiple locations

nest localityEschenbach, Germany

nest localitySteinhuder Meer, Germany

nest localityKurzeme region, Latvia (click on "Pandion haliaetus") ...... forum

nest localityLithuania (click on "3 kamera")

nest localityPoland- multiple locations

nest localityAlyth area, Scotland

nest localityLoch Arkaig, Scotland

nest localityLoch Garten, Scotland

nest localityLoch of the Lowes, Scotland

nest localityBalearic Islands, Spain (click on "Pandion haliaetus")

nest localityGautegiz Arteaga, Spain

nest localityOrange Beach, Alabama, USA

nest localityRichmond, California, USA

nest localityBoulder, Colorado, USA

nest localityEmma, Colorado, USA

nest localityGrand Lake, Colorado, USA

nest localityLongmont, Colorado, USA

nest localityLoveland, Colorado, USA

nest localityPagosa Springs area, Colorado, USA

nest localityMadison, Connecticut, USA

nest localityMilford Point, Connecticut, USA 

nest localityCape Henlopen State Park, Delaware, USA  (scroll down for webcam)

nest localityMispillion Harbor, Delaware, USA

nest localityBrevard County, Florida, USA

nest localityCaptiva Island, Florida, USA

nest localityGainesville, Florida, USA

nest localityNaples, Florida, USA

nest localitySarasota, Florida, USA

nest localitySt. Petersburg, Florida, USA

nest localityVenice, Florida, USA

nest localitySavannah, Georgia, USA

nest localityCoeur d'Alene, Idaho, USA

nest localitySandpoint, Idaho, USA

nest localityColumbia City area, Indiana, USA

nest localityWest Des Moines, Iowa, USA 

nest localityHog Island, Maine, USA ...... boat house nest ...... forum

nest localityLamoine, Maine, USA

nest localityAnnapolis, Maryland, USA

nest localityBaltimore County, Maryland, USA

nest localityCambridge, Maryland, USA

nest localityKent Island, Maryland, USA

nest localityMarbury, Maryland, USA

nest localitySeverna Park, Maryland, USA 

nest localityBrewster, Massachusetts, USA

nest localityGloucester, Massachusetts, USA

nest localityMashpee, Massachusetts, USA

nest localityOxford, Massachusetts, USA

nest localityBig Rapids, Michigan, USA 

nest localityStockton, Missouri, USA

nest localityCharlo, Montana, USA

nest localityKalispell, Montana, USA

nest localityLolo, Montana, USA

nest localityMissoula area, Montana, USA

nest localityCape May, New Jersey, USA

nest localityIsland Beach State Park, New Jersey, USA

nest localityLong Beach Island, New Jersey, USA

nest localityOceanville, New Jersey, USA

nest localityStone Harbor, New Jersey, USA

nest localityFishers Island, New York, USA

nest localityOyster Bay, New York, USA

nest localityPatchogue, New York, USA

nest localityBogue Sound, North Carolina, USA

nest localityCarova Beach, North Carolina, USA

nest localityLake Norman, North Carolina, USA

nest localityEugene, Oregon, USA

nest localitySeaside, Oregon, USA

nest localityWest Salem, Oregon, USA

nest localityButler County, Pennsylvania, USA

nest localityNarrow River, Rhode Island, USA

nest localityHilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA

nest localityLake Murray, South Carolina, USA

nest localityCarthage, Tennessee, USA

nest localityColonial Beach, Virginia, USA

nest localityGloucester Point, Virginia, USA

nest localityKing George, Virginia, USA

nest localityCowlitz County, Washington, USA

nest localityKalama, Washington, USA

nest localityRidgefield, Washington, USA

nest localityLadysmith area, Wisconsin, USA

nest localityGlaslyn, Wales

nest localityClywedog Reservoir, Wales

nest localityMachynlleth area, Wales

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White-bellied Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster)

nest localitySydney, New South Wales, Australia 


White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)

nest localityDenmark

nest localityMatsalu National Park, Estonia (click on "Haliaeetus albicilla")

nest localityLatvia (click on "Haliaeetus albicilla") ...... forum

nest localityLithuania (click on "1 kamera")

nest localityFriesland, Netherlands

nest localitySmola, Norway ...... additional information

nest localityBory Tucholskie National Park, Poland

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Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)

nest localityBritish Columbia, Canada- multiple locations

nest localityJuneau, Alaska, USA

nest localityLake Pleasant, Arizona, USA

nest localityBig Bear Lake, California, USA ...... forum

nest localityChannel Islands, California, USA

nest localityFolsom area, California, USA

nest localityRedding, California, USA  ...... forum

nest localityPlatteville area, Colorado, USA

nest localityCaptiva Island, Florida, USA  ...... forum

nest localityMarco Island, Florida, USA

nest localityMiami-Dade County, Florida, USA ...... forum

nest localityNorth Fort Myers, Florida, USA  ...... forum

nest localitycentral Florida, USA

nest localitynortheast Florida, USA  ...... forum

nest localitysouthwest Florida, USA (Eagle Country)

nest localityMount Berry, Georgia, USA  ...... forum

nest localitySouth Bend, Indiana, USA

nest localityDavenport, Iowa, USA

nest localityDecorah, Iowa, USA (Decorah Trout Hatchery area) ...... forum

nest localityDecorah area, Iowa, USA (Decorah North) ...... forum

nest localityDes Moines area, Iowa, USA

nest localityBenton, Louisiana, USA

nest localityKisatchie National Forest, Louisiana, USA

nest localityBaltimore, Maryland, USA

nest localityCambridge, Maryland, USA

nest localityPort Tobacco, Maryland, USA ...... forum

nest localityAnn Arbor, Michigan, USA

nest localityMinneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, USA 

nest localityMiles City, Montana, USA

nest localityHillsborough, New Jersey, USA ...... forum

nest localityCenterport, New York, USA

nest localityAvon Lake, Ohio, USA

nest localityLittle Miami River, Ohio, USA ...... forum

nest localityMilford, Ohio, USA

nest localityBartlesville, Oklahoma, USA

nest localityHanover, Pennsylvania, USA  ...... forum

nest localityPittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA  (Hays) ...... forum

nest localityWest Mifflin, Pennsylvania, USA (U. S. Steel)

nest localityPennsylvania, USA (Farm Country)

nest localityDataw Island, South Carolina, USA

nest localityJohnson City, Tennessee, USA 

nest localityCombine, Texas, USA

nest localityLeesburg, Virginia, USA 

nest localityShepherdstown, West Virginia, USA

nest localityChippewa Falls, Wisconsin, USA

nest localityTrempealeau, Wisconsin, USA


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Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus)

nest localityBulgaria

nest localityIsrael

Cinereous (Black) Vulture (Aegypius monachus)

nest localitySierra de Guadarrama National Park, Spain (click on "Buitre negro")

Lappet-faced Vulture (Torgos tracheliotos)

nest localityIsrael (captive breeding program)

Eurasian Griffon (Gyps fulvus)

nest localityNegev Highlands, Israel ......  forum

nest localityIsrael

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Short-toed Snake Eagle (Circaetus gallicus)

nest localityDainava, Lithuania (click on "5 kamera")

nest localityEls Ports Natural Park, Spain

Crowned Eagle (Stephanonaetus coronatus)

nest localityKwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Mountain Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus nipalensis)

nest localityTaiwan

Crested Goshawk (Accipiter trivirgatus)

nest localityTaipei, Taiwan

Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)

nest localityRiga, Latvia (click on "Accipiter gentilis")

nest localityHoeksche Waard, Netherlands (click on "Havik")

nest localityAbernethy Loch Garten Nature Reserve, Scotland

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Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus)

nest localityWake Forest area, North Carolina, USA

Red-taileded Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)

nest localityBoston, Massachusetts, USA

nest localityNewark, New Jersey, USA

nest localityIthaca, New York, USA

nest localityTennessee, USA (leucistic)


 Eurasian Buzzard (Buteo buteo)

nest localityTiszalök, Hungary

Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo ruffinus)

nest localityIsrael

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Crested Eagle (Morphnus guianensis)

nest localityTambopata National Reserve area, Peru

Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi)

nest localityBarangay Eden, Philippines (captive breeding program)


Lesser Spotted Eagle (Clanga pomarina)

nest localitySemigallia region, Latvia (click on "Clanga pomarina")

nest localityLatvia- multiple locations ...... forum

Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus)

nest localitySierra de Guadarrama National Park, Spain

Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)

nest localitySoomaa National Park, Estonia (click on "Aquila chrysaetos")  ...... forum

nest localityBucovina, Romania  ...... forum

nest localitySisters area, Oregon, USA

Verreaux's (Black) Eagle (Aquila verreauxii)

nest localityLimpopo Province, South Africa

nest localityRoodekrans, South Africa ...... forum

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Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni)

nest localityRamat Hanadiv, Israel

nest localityCabańeros National Park, Spain

Eurasian Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)

nest localityMils bei Imst, Austria

nest localityBrno-Bystrc, Czech Republic

nest localityDorset, England

nest localityDordogne, France

nest localityThéding, France ...... webcam

nest localityBeilngries, Germany

nest localityBerlin, Germany          

nest localityHamburg, Germany (click on "Hier klicken...")

nest localityKempten, Germany

nest localityOstallgäu, Germany

nest localityRosenheim, Germany

nest localityWindsbach, Germany

nest localityIsrael

nest localitySkrīveri area, Latvia

nest localityAlphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands (click on "Torenvalk")

nest localityHoogeveen, Netherlands

nest localityMolenaarsgraaf, Netherlands (click on "Torenvalk")

nest localityWaadhoeke, Netherlands

nest localityKwidzyn, Poland ...... webcam

nest localityTȋrgu Mureş, Romania

nest localityBanska Bystrica, Slovakia

nest localitySlovakia

nest localitySeville, Spain ...... webcams

nest localitySweden

nest localityLausen, Switzerland

nest localityZürich, Switzerland

nest localitySwitzerland- multiple locations (webcams work with Chrome browser)

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American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)

nest localityLoveland, Colorado, USA  (scroll down for webcam)

nest localityColorado, USA

nest localityIdaho, USA ...... additional information

nest localityLayton, Utah, USA

nest localityPrairie du Chien area, Wisconsin, USA

Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus)

nest localityPólgar area, Hungary

Eurasian Hobby (Falco subbuteo)

nest localityDorset, England

nest localityHungary ...... forum

Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug)

nest localityHungary ...... forum


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Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)

nest localityMelbourne, Australia ...... forum

nest localityOrange, New South Wales, Australia ...... forum

nest localityGraz, Austria

nest localityAubel, Belgium

nest localityBrugge, Belgium

nest localityBrussels, Belgium- multiple locations

nest localityComines-Warneton, Belgium

nest localityDottignies, Belgium

nest localityGhent, Belgium

nest localityGrimbergen, Belgium

nest localityHarelbeke, Belgium

nest localityKortrijk, Belgium

nest localityLičge, Belgium

nest localityLokeren, Belgium ...... additional information

nest localityMechelen, Belgium

nest localityMortsel, Belgium

nest localityPeer, Belgium

nest localityTernat, Belgium

nest localityWervik, Belgium

nest localityAlberta, Canada- multiple locations

nest localityWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

nest localityMoncton, New Brunswick, Canada

nest localityHamilton, Ontario, Canada

nest localityOshawa, Ontario, Canada

nest localityOntario, Canada- multiple locations

nest localityMontreal, Quebec, Canada ...... forum

nest localityCzech Republic- multiple locations

nest localityAndover, England

nest localityAylesbury, England

nest localityBath, England

nest localityBrighton, England

nest localityCantley, England

nest localityChichester, England

nest localityCromer, England

nest localityDerby, England

nest localityEaling, England

nest localityEvesham, England

nest localityHigh Wycombe, England

nest localityHigham Ferrers, England

nest localityIpswich area, England

nest localityKettering, England

nest localityLeamington Spa, England 

nest localityLeeds, England

nest localityLeicester, England

nest localityLincoln, England

nest localityLincolnshire, England

nest localityLondon, England  (Ealing)

nest localityLondon, England  (HMCTS)

nest localityLondon, England  (Kingston College)

nest localityLondon, England  (London Metropolitan University)

nest localityLondon, England  (Merton Council)

nest localityNew Milton, England

nest localityNorwich, England

nest localityNottingham, England

nest localityPershore, England

nest localityRochdale, England

nest localitySaint Albans, England

nest localitySalisbury, England

nest localitySheffield, England

nest localityStamford, England

nest localitySutton, England

nest localityWakefield, England

nest localityWinchester, England

nest localityWoking, England

nest localityYaxley, England

nest localityWorcester, England

nest localityArmentičres, France

nest localityChâteauneuf, France

nest localityIllkirch-Graffenstaden, France

nest localitySaint-Amand-Les-Eaux, France

nest localitySaint-Chamond, France

nest localityBamberg, Germany

nest localityBielefeld, Germany

nest localityCadolzburg, Germany

nest localityCoburg, Germany

nest localityDeuna, Germany

nest localityFeucht, Germany

nest localityHagen, Germany ...... balcony view ...... exterior view

nest localityHeidelberg, Germany

nest localityKamp-Lintfort, Germany

nest localityKempten, Germany

nest localityMinden, Germany

nest localityNuremburg, Germany

nest localityRegensburg, Germany

nest localityRosenheim, Germany

nest localityWeissenburg in Bayern, Germany

nest localityWorms, Germany

nest localityWuppertal, Germany

nest localityZielitz, Germany

nest localityItaly- multiple locations

nest localityAlphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands (click on "Valk" or "Slechtvalk")

nest localityAmersfoort, Netherlands ...... webcams

nest localityAmsterdam, Netherlands

nest localityApeldoorn, Netherlands

nest localityDe Mortel area, Netherlands

nest localityEde, Netherlands

nest localityScheveningen, Netherlands

nest localityVenlo, Netherlands

nest localityVenray, Netherlands

nest localityNetherlands- multiple locations

nest localityDobra, Poland

nest localityDolina Baryczy, Poland  (tree nest)

nest localityGdańsk, Poland

nest localityGdynia, Poland

nest localityGłogów, Poland

nest localityKawęczyn, Poland

nest localityKoszalin, Poland

nest localityŁódź, Poland

nest localityLublin, Poland

nest localityPłock, Poland

nest localityPoznań, Poland

nest localityReda, Poland

nest localitySiekierki, Poland

nest localitySłupsk, Poland

nest localityToruń, Poland

nest localityTrzebież, Poland (tree nest)

nest localityWałbrzych, Poland

nest localityWarsaw, Poland

nest localityWłocławek, Poland

nest localityŻerań, Poland

nest localityCatalonia, Spain

nest localityCorbera, Spain

nest localityMadrid, Spain (click on "Halcón peregrino")

nest localityZürich, Switzerland

nest localityAnacapa Island, California, USA

nest localityAnaheim, California, USA

nest localityBerkeley, California, USA ...... forum

nest localityOrange County, California, USA

nest localityPasadena, California, USA

nest localitySacramento, California, USA

nest localitySalinas, California, USA

nest localitySan Francisco, California, USA

nest localitySan Jose, California, USA

nest localityWilmington, Delaware, USA

nest localityChicago, Illinois, USA (South Loop) ...... webcam

nest localityChicago, Illinois, USA (UIC) ...... webcam

nest localityEvanston, Illinois, USA

nest localityRockford, Illinois, USA  ...... webcam

nest localityFort Wayne, Indiana, USA

nest localityIndianapolis, Indiana, USA

nest localitySouth Bend, Indiana, USA  ...... alternative site

nest localityIndiana, USA- multiple locations

nest localityDubuque County, Iowa, USA

nest localityTopeka, Kansas, USA

nest localityJefferson County, Kentucky, USA

nest localityBaltimore, Maryland, USA

nest localityAmherst, Massachusetts, USA

nest localityBoston, Massachusetts, USA (Custom House)

nest localityLawrence, Massachusetts, USA

nest localityLowell, Massachusetts, USA (click on webcam section) ...... forum

nest localityNewburyport, Massachusetts, USA

nest localitySpringfield, Massachusetts, USA

nest localityDetroit, Michigan, USA

nest localityGrand Rapids, Michigan, USA ...... webcam 

nest localityHoughton, Michigan, USA 

nest localityJackson, Michigan, USA

nest localityKalamazoo, Michigan, USA

nest localityLansing, Michigan, USA (BWL)

nest localityLansing, Michigan, USA (MSU)

nest localityMount Clemens, Michigan, USA

nest localitySault Ste. Marie, Michigan, USA

nest localityWarren, Michigan, USA

nest localityElk River, Minnesota, USA

nest localityGolden Valley, Minnesota, USA

nest localityLa Crescent area, Minnesota, USA

nest localityMinneapolis, Minnesota, USA

nest localityRed Wing, Minnesota, USA ..... additional information

nest localityRochester, Minnesota, USA 

nest localitySt. Paul, Minnesota, USA (DNR)

nest localityMinnesota, USA- multiple locations (MN Power)

nest localityMinnesota, USA- multiple locations (Xcel) (scroll down for Peregrine Falcons)

nest localityIatan, Missouri, USA

nest localityKansas City, Missouri, USA (American Century)

nest localityKansas City, Missouri, USA (Shook)

nest localitySt. Louis area, Missouri, USA

nest localityLincoln, Nebraska, USA

nest localityOmaha, Nebraska, USA (Omaha Public Power District)

nest localityOmaha, Nebraska, USA (WoodmenLife)

nest localityManchester, New Hampshire, USA  ...... webcams

nest localityElizabeth, New Jersey, USA

nest localityPalmyra, New Jersey, USA- multiple locations

nest localityBuffalo, New York, USA ...... forum

nest localityHempstead, New York, USA

nest localityNew York, New York, USA 

nest localityPoughkeepsie and Highland, New York, USA ...... webcam

nest localityRochester, New York, USA

nest localityStaten Island, New York, USA

nest localityTarrytown, New York, USA ...... webcam

nest localityUtica, New York, USA

nest localityBowling Green, Ohio, USA

nest localityCincinnati, Ohio, USA

nest localityIronton area, Ohio, USA

nest localityToledo, Ohio, USA

nest localityHarrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA ...... webcam

nest localityPittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

nest localityProvidence, Rhode Island, USA 

nest localityAustin, Texas, USA

nest localityReston, Virginia, USA

nest localityRichmond, Virginia, USA

nest localitySeattle, Washington, USA

nest localityAlma, Wisconsin, USA

nest localityGreen Bay, Wisconsin, USA

nest localityLa Crosse, Wisconsin, USA  (scroll down for La Crosse webcam)

nest localityMadison, Wisconsin, USA  ...... additional information

nest localityManitowoc, Wisconsin, USA

nest localityMilwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (MolsonCoors)

nest localityMilwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (UWM)

nest localityMilwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (Veolia)

nest localityOshkosh, Wisconsin, USA  ...... webcam

nest localityRacine, Wisconsin, USA

nest localityWauwatosa, Wisconsin, USA (scroll down for webcam)

nest localityWisconsin, USA- multiple locations


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Western Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus)

nest localityLääne-Virumaa, Estonia (click 0n "Tetrao urogallus") ...... forum

nest localityRomania

Sharp-tailed Grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus)

nest localityGlyndon area Minnesota, USA

Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido)

nest localityGlyndon area Minnesota, USA

nest localityHatfield Missouri, USA  ...... alternative site

nest localityEagle Lake, Texas, USA (Attwater's Prairie-Chicken)

Sandhill Crane (Antigone canadensis)

nest localityYampa Valley, Colorado, USA (scroll down for webcam)

Eurasian Thick-knee (Burhinus oedicnemus)

nest localityCampillos, Spain (click on "Alcaraván")

return to top

Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus)

nest localityBuxtehude, Germany

Eurasian Coot (Grus grus)

nest localityAlmere, Netherlands

Eurasian Curlew (Numenius arquata)

nest localityShropshire, Wales

nest localityYsbyty Ifan area, Wales

return to top

Common Murre  (Uria aalge) and other species

nest localityShetland, Scotland

Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle)

nest localitySeal Island, Maine, USA

Atlantic Puffin (Frartercula arctica) and other species

nest localityCoquet Island, England

nest localityCraigleith, Scotland

nest localityShetland, Scotland  (click on cliff cams)

nest localitySeal Island, Maine, USA  ...... ledge camera ...... boulder berm camera

return to top

Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)

nest localityGateshead, England

Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus hartlaubii) and other species

nest localityLough Neagh, Northern Ireland

Little Tern (Sternula albifrons) and other species

nest localityTainan, Taiwan

nest localityGronant, Wales

Roseate Tern (Sterna dougallii) and other species

nest localityCoquet Island, England

Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) and other species

nest localityLough Neagh, Northern Ireland

Speckled Pigeon (Columba guinea)

nest localityPretoria, South Africa

Stock Dove (Columba oenas)

nest localityRecke, Germany

return to top


Barn Owl (Tyto alba)

nest localityBourne area, England  ...... webcam

nest localityDorset, England

nest localityNorth Fambridge, England 

nest localityNorth Yorkshire, England

nest localitySomerset, England

nest localityThéding, France

nest localityDuhallow, Ireland

nest localityIsrael 

nest localityAphen aan den Rijn area, Netherlands  (click 0n "Kerkuil")

nest localityMeijendel, Netherlands

nest localityWoold, Netherlands

nest localitySpain- multiple locations

nest localitySwitzerland- multiple locations

nest localityTranscarpathia, Ukraine

nest localityAlpine, California, USA

nest localityAptos, California, USA

nest localityMarin County, California, USA- multiple locations (Hungry Owl)

nest localityMarin County, California, USA (Ocean Riders)

nest localityMonterey County, California, USA

nest localityMoss Landing, California, USA

nest localityOceanside, California, USA (Kangarobin)

nest localityOceanside, California, USA (We Love Barn Owls)

nest localityRamona, California, USA

nest localitySan Diego, California, USA

nest localitySan Diego County, California, USA

nest localityStockton, California, USA- multiple locations

nest localityTrabuco Canyon, California, USA

nest localityLoveland, Colorado, USA

nest localityBelle Glade, Florida, USA

nest localityGreene County, Indiana, USA

nest localityIndiana, USA- multiple locations

nest localityGardnerville, Nevada, USA

nest localityOak Harbor area, Ohio, USA

nest localityLubbock, Texas, USA

nest localityNelson, Wales


return to top

Eurasian Scops-Owl (Otus scops)

nest localityTiszaeszlér, Hungary

Western Screech-Owl (Megascops kennicottii)

nest localityTucson, Arizona, USA

nest localitynorthern Utah, USA

Eastern Screech-Owl (Megascops asio)

nest localityPalm City, Florida, USA

nest localityFlorida, USA

nest localityNew Jersey, USA

nest localityChandler, North Carolina, USA

nest localityWestmoreland County, Pennsylvania, USA

nest localityAustin, Texas, USA (Jollyville) ...... webcam  

nest localityAustin, Texas, USA (Squirrelhouse)

nest localityDallas, Texas, USA

nest localityFrisco, Texas, USA

nest localityGrapevine, Texas, USA

nest localityPlano, Texas, USA

return to top

Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)

nest localityLacombe, Alberta, Canada

nest localityOrange Beach, Alabama, USA

nest localityPhoenix, Arizona, USA

nest localitySurprise, Arizona, USA ...... additional information

nest localityCorona, California, USA

nest localityMoreno Valley, California, USA

nest localityArvada, Colorado, USA

nest localityIowa, USA

nest localityKansas, USA

nest localityCambridge, Maryland, USA

nest localityHancock, Michigan, USA ...... webcam

nest localityHouston, Minnesota, USA (captive breeding program)

nest localityEdmond, Oklahoma, USA

nest localityHilton Head Island area, South Carolina, USA ...... alternative site ...... forum

nest localityAustin, Texas, USA


Eurasian Eagle-Owl (Bubo bubo)

nest localityEstonia ...... forum

nest localityEifel Mountains, Germany ...... forum

nest localityHaselünne, Germany

nest localityGermany

nest localityOverijssel, Netherlands

nest localitySlovakia- multiple locations

nest localityMurcia area, Spain


Little Owl (Athene noctua)

nest localityJezreel Valley, Israel

nest localityBommelerwaard, Netherlands

nest localityLichtenvoorde, Netherlands

nest localitySprundel, Netherlands (click on "Steenuil")

nest localitySlovakia (click on "Kuvik")

Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)

nest localityAruba

nest localitySan Diego County, California, USA (captive breeding program) ...... additional information

return to top

Tawny Owl (Strix aluco)

nest localityHelgenćs, Denmark

nest localityDenmark

nest localityDorset, England

nest localityNorfolk, England

nest localityNorth Yorkshire, England

nest localityLohja, Finland

nest localityKempten, Germany

nest localityDe Mortel, Netherlands

nest localityLimburg, Netherlands

nest localityWassenaar area, Netherlands (click on "Bosuil")

nest localitySpain

nest localityLausen, Switzerland

Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis)

nest localityLangley, British Columbia, Canada (captive breeding program)

Barred Owl (Strix varia)

nest localityRidgefield, Connecticut, USA

nest localitySmyrna, Georgia, USA

nest localityZionsville, Indiana, USA

nest localityNew York, USA

nest localityLeesville Township, North Carolina, USA

nest localityWake Forest area, North Carolina, USA

nest localityTulsa, Oklahoma, USA ...... additional information

nest localityMilwaukee, Wisonsin, USA

Ural Owl (Strix uralensis)

nest localityIizuna, Japan

Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)

nest localityDainava, Lithuania (click on "4 kamera")


Long-eared Owl (Asio otus)

nest localityMissoula, Montana, USA

Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus)

nest localityMadison, Wisconsin, USA


return to top

Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica)

nest localityValencia, Pennsylvania, USA


Alpine Swift (Apus melba)

nest localityTuttlingen, Germany

nest localitySumiswald, Switzerland


Common Swift (Apus apus)

nest localityCzech Republic

nest localityBolton, England

nest localityCambridge area, England (click on picture to start video)

nest localityOxford, England

nest localityHalle Westphalia, Germany

nest localityRauhenebrach, Germany (scroll down, click on "Mauersegler")

nest localityCastlebar, Ireland (scroll down for webcams)

nest localityGivatayim City, Israel

nest localityBoltiere, Italy (click on swift picture to see webcam)

nest localityCēsis, Latvia (click on "Apus apus) ...... forum

nest localityJastrzebie Zdrój, Poland

nest localitySzczecin, Poland

nest localitySlovakia (click on "Dáždovníky")

Pallid Swift (Apus pallidus)

nest localityPalermo area, Italy (click on "Rondoni pallidi")

nest localityCádiz, Spain

return to top

Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna)

nest localityLitchfield Park, Arizona, USA

nest localityDavis, California, USA

Costa's Hummingbird (Calypte costae)

nest localityPalm Springs area, California, USA

Allen's Hummingbird (Selasphorus sasin)

nest localityLaguna Niguel, California, USA ...... forum

nest localityOceanside, California, USA

nest localityRowland Heights, California, USA

nest localityThousand Oaks, California, USA

return to top

Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Merops philippinus)

nest localityKinmen National Park, Taiwan

Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops)

nest localityNagyberény, Hungary

Green Woodhoopoe (Phoeniculus purpureus)

nest localityPretoria, South Africa

European Roller (Coracias garrulus)

nest localityPólgar area, Hungary

nest localityLazio, Italy (click on "Ghiandaie Marine")

Crested Barbet (Trachyphonus vaillantii)

nest localityPretoria, South Africa

Red-bellied Woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus)

nest localityPalm City, Florida, USA

return to top

Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe)

nest localityCatskill Mountains, New York, USA

Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor)

nest localityRochester, Wisconsin, USA

Violet-green Swallow (Tachycineta thalassina)
nest locality
Eugene, Oregon, USA

Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia)

nest localityBodegraven-Reeuwijk, Netherlands (click on "Oeverzwaluw")

Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)

nest localityColchester area, England

nest localityToyama City, Japan

nest localityAlphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands (click on "Boerenzwaluw")

nest localityGautegiz Arteaga, Spain

Purple Martin (Progne subis)

nest localityErie, Pennsylvania, USA

nest localityLake Tawakoni, Texas, USA

Common House-Martin (Delichon urbicum)

nest localityLausen, Switzerland

return to top

Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis)

nest localityBoulder County, Colorado, USA

House Wren (Troglodytes aedon)

nest localityUnity Township, Pennsylvania, USA

return to top

Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis)

nest localityHudson, Florida, USA

nest localitysouthern Maine, USA

nest localityMaryland, USA

nest localityBoston area, Massachusetts, USA

nest localityMurrysville, Pennsylvania,  USA

nest localityNewton Square, Pennsylvania,  USA

nest localityUnity Township, Pennsylvania,  USA

nest localityVirginia, USA

nest localityRochester, Wisconsin, USA

Veery (Catharus fuscesens)

nest localityCatskill Mountains, New York, USA

Eurasian Blackbird (Turdus merula)

nest localityBuxtehude, Germany

nest localityLindweiler, Germany (click on "Amselnest")

nest localityVeluwe, Netherlands

American Robin (Turdus migratorius)

nest localityFlowery Branch, Georgia, USA

nest localityMassachusetts, USA

return to top

European Robin (Erithacus rubecula)

nest localitySprundel, Netherlands (click on "Roodborst")

European Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca)

nest localityViken, Norway

Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros)

 nest localityVeszprém, Hungary

return to top

Carolina Chickadee (Poecile carolinensis)

nest localitycentral Missouri, USA

nest localityEgg Harbor Township, New Jersey, USA

nest localityLake Tawakoni, Texas, USA

Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus)

nest localityRochester, Wisconsin, USA

Mountain Chickadee (Poecile gambeli)

nest localityTruckee, California, USA

Chestnut-backed Chickadee (Poecile rufescens)

nest localitySan Francisco area, California, USA ...... additional information

return to top

Coal Tit (Periparus ater)

nest localityGloucestershire, England

Great Tit (Parus major)

nest localityVienna, Austria

nest localityHelsinki, Finland

nest localitySeine-Port, France

nest localityThéding, France

nest localityMoosburg, Germany (click on "Kohlmeisen" or "Kohl")

nest localityIsrael

nest localityRotterdam, Netherlands (click on "Koolmees" or "Mees")

nest localityGjovik, Norway

nest localityBilbao, Spain


Eurasian Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) 

nest localityAalborg, Denmark

nest localityLondon area, England

nest localitySouthbourne, England

nest localityThéding, France

nest localityBerlin, Germany

nest localityHunsrück area, Germany (click on "Blaumeisen")

nest localityLingen, Germany

nest localityRecke, Germany

nest localityAlphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands (click on "Pimpelmees")

nest localityBilbao, Spain

Oak Titmouse (Baeolophus inornatus)

nest localityTruckee, California, USA

Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)

nest localityFlorida, USA

return to top

Eurasian Golden Oriole (Oriolus oriolus)

nest localityPolgár, Hungary

Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica)

nest localityNorway

Red-billed Chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)

nest localityHayle, England  (captive breeding program)

nest localityWest Cork, Ireland


Eurasian Jackdaw (Corvus monedula)

nest localityLauben, Germany

return to top

European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)

nest localityThéding, France

nest localityGuaja, Latvia

Spotless Starling (Sturnus unicolor)

nest localityEl Rocio, Spain

nest localityLaguna de El Oso, Spain (click on "Estornino negro")

Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus)

nest localityMoosburg, Germany (click on "Spatzen")

Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)

nest localityHunsrück area, Germany (click on "Buchfinken")

House Finch (Haemorhous mexicanus)

nest localityNashville area, Tennessee, USA

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Updated February 6, 2025

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